《寻龙诀》(英語:Mojin-The Lost Legend or The Ghouls),又名《鬼吹灯之寻龙诀》,是由万达影业、华谊兄弟、光线影业、浙江蓝巨星联合出品,乌尔善执导、陈国富监制,梁吉泳任動作設計,陈坤、黄渤、舒淇、Angelababy、夏雨领衔主演的奇幻冒险电影。根据天下霸唱所著盗墓小说《鬼吹灯》的后四部改编而成,主要讲述胡八一、王凯旋与Shirley杨再入草原千年古墓发生的故事。。
Piran is a town in southwestern Slovenia on the Gulf of Piran on the Adriatic Sea. It is one of the three major towns of Slovenian Istria. The town is known for its medieval architecture, with narrow streets and compact houses. Piran is the administrative seat of the Municipality of Piran and one of Slovenias major tourist attractions.
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